Saturday, June 21, 2008

Lila, Green Child of the (Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center)

For my beloved Lila: someday, for your birthday, we will get you a green screen session. In fact your wedding should just be entirely green-screened. Think of the editing possibilities! There could be a YouTube contest: Lila in Space! The Light Sabre version! Prison Thriller! A Senate hearing on CSPAN-2. I could go on. Anyway here's the video that got me thinking:

It's "Over and Over" by Hot Chip. And of course, we would keep the version where everyone -- everyone -- is wearing a green spandex bodysuit. Are you reading this, Mrs. Fontes?

* * *

And now that I've gone and rewatched the Prison Thriller video, I might as well post this amazing Prison version of Soulja Boy/ Can't Touch This by the same crew of Filipino inmates:

Man, I wish I could dance like that. At a wedding, perhaps.

1 comment:

Lila is a complex system. said...

This post inspires me to get married. Just to see you dance at the reception. (Now, if only R. would let me wed him and have access to his family's stacks of money, fancy international vacations, and the likes. I've assured him that parents like me, and I'm very polite and respectful. Plus, I would give him access to citizenship! Yet he persists in being attracted to men.)

Maybe we could have a reception without the wedding. Is that just called a "party"?